Labour says cap on school uniform items could save families 50 a childCapping branded uniform items can save families over £50 per child, easing financial burdens.
School uniforms return to French town in pilot scheme to tackle inequalitySchool uniforms reintroduced in Beziers to reduce inequality and improve behaviorGovernment pilot scheme could lead to nationwide uniform policy if successful
School uniforms may lead to children getting less exercise, new study showsSchool uniforms may be a barrier to physical activity in children, especially girlsThe gap in activity levels between boys and girls widens at the primary school level in countries with uniform policies
School uniform policies linked to students getting less exercise, study findsSchool uniforms may affect physical activity levels, especially for primary school girls.Younger children in countries with mandatory school uniforms have wider activity gaps between genders.
School uniforms may lead to children getting less exercise, new study showsSchool uniforms may be a barrier to physical activity in children, especially girlsThe gap in activity levels between boys and girls widens at the primary school level in countries with uniform policies
School uniform policies linked to students getting less exercise, study findsSchool uniforms may affect physical activity levels, especially for primary school girls.Younger children in countries with mandatory school uniforms have wider activity gaps between genders.