The last wild places': the Venice show about Earth's spiralling salt marsh crisisSophie Hunter aims to increase awareness and protect tidal marshes through her performance installation, 'Salt of the Earth.'
Stuck in the muck: Scientists study carbon trapped by Elkhorn SloughSalt marshes are critical in carbon capture and are gaining recognition for their role in mitigating global warming.
Stuck in the muck: Scientists study carbon trapped by Elkhorn SloughSalt marsh ecosystems are crucial for CO2 sequestration, especially in the context of climate change and increasing global temperatures.
The last wild places': the Venice show about Earth's spiralling salt marsh crisisSophie Hunter aims to increase awareness and protect tidal marshes through her performance installation, 'Salt of the Earth.'
Stuck in the muck: Scientists study carbon trapped by Elkhorn SloughSalt marshes are critical in carbon capture and are gaining recognition for their role in mitigating global warming.
Stuck in the muck: Scientists study carbon trapped by Elkhorn SloughSalt marsh ecosystems are crucial for CO2 sequestration, especially in the context of climate change and increasing global temperatures.