Why kids need to take more risks: science reveals the benefits of wild, free playRisky play is essential for children's development, despite parental anxiety and societal restrictions.
Buying the wrong cheese made him explode': Inside the domestic abuse helplineDomestic abuse victims face immense fear and confusion, often reaching out for help in life-threatening situations.
Dawn Project calls out Big Tech for selling AI snake oil | Computer WeeklyThe Dawn Project warns against deploying flawed AI systems in safety-critical applications, highlighting risks like cataclysmic cyber attacks and failures in technology.
Update: Advocates Resist Port's Latest Effort Against Bike Safety - Streetsblog San FranciscoAdvocates push for protected bike lanes in downtown Oakland despite opposition from port officials.
'Disgusting': NY State Lawmakers Once Again Blocking Legislation to Lower NYC's Speed Limit - Hell GateA state bill named 'Sammy's Law' aimed at lowering the speed limit in NYC, supported by various stakeholders, is being hindered by lawmakers, despite proven safety benefits.
Call to Action: Demand a Safe West Portal - Streetsblog San FranciscoAdvocacy for stronger safety measures over parking and motoring interests in San Francisco's West Portal area.