US's First Overdose Prevention Site Continues Research-Backed, Lifesaving WorkOnPoint NYC provides a safe consumption space for drug users to reduce overdose deaths amidst increasing opioid-related fatalities.
Exclusive | Trump asked to shut down NYC 'injection sites' where drug addicts consume with impunityThe Trump administration is urged to shut down city-approved "safe" injection sites due to concerns about illegal drug use and community impact.
Ex-mayors, advocates slam safe drug consumption site closures as policy failure | CBC NewsFormer mayors and advocates urge the government to maintain Toronto's safe consumption sites, vital for community safety amidst the overdose crisis.
US's First Overdose Prevention Site Continues Research-Backed, Lifesaving WorkOnPoint NYC provides a safe consumption space for drug users to reduce overdose deaths amidst increasing opioid-related fatalities.
Exclusive | Trump asked to shut down NYC 'injection sites' where drug addicts consume with impunityThe Trump administration is urged to shut down city-approved "safe" injection sites due to concerns about illegal drug use and community impact.
Ex-mayors, advocates slam safe drug consumption site closures as policy failure | CBC NewsFormer mayors and advocates urge the government to maintain Toronto's safe consumption sites, vital for community safety amidst the overdose crisis.
A Yale researchers 'hot mic' gaff reveals the academy's woke biasResearcher's discussion reveals dismissive attitude towards community concerns regarding harm-reduction center in East Harlem.
5 Two supervisors in San Francisco proposed a plan to prioritize housing with drug treatment for formerly homeless individuals, shifting from the current 'housing first' policy.