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3 months ago
Europe news

Russian passport increasingly less attractive to foreigners DW 02/16/2024

Interest in obtaining Russian citizenship has declined significantly since Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
The simplified path towards Russian citizenship now includes automatic military registration, which may deter potential applicants. [ more ]
#Russian citizenship
BBC News
6 months ago
Europe news

Ukraine war: Locals forced to take Russian passports, report says

The Kremlin is forcing Ukrainians in occupied territories to become Russian through denial of healthcare, free movement, and basic services unless they take up Russian citizenship.
Pro-Russian propaganda is pervasive in the occupied lands, putting pressure on Ukrainians to assimilate as Russians.
Refugees report instances of being denied medical treatment and other services unless they obtain Russian passports. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe news

Charles de Gaulle's pro-Kremlin grandson says he wants Russian citizenship

Pierre de Gaulle, grandson of Charles de Gaulle, expressed his desire to acquire Russian citizenship.
Russian state media sees Pierre de Gaulle's pro-Kremlin statements as support for Moscow's actions in Ukraine.
Debate surrounds Pierre de Gaulle's views in France. [ more ]
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