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2 months ago
France politics

Macron and Scholz Meet, Looking to Patch Up Differences on Ukraine

France and Germany are working to reconcile differences over supporting Ukraine amidst concerns of sputtering Franco-German unity.
Macron has shifted from being Europe's dove on Russia to its hawk, advocating for a tougher stance against Putin. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Nordic tensions on the rise amid Russian anger over NATO accessions

Finland PM urges EU for increased defense spending and coordination.
Tensions rise with Russia as NATO expands with Sweden and Norway joining. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Russia-Ukraine war live: newly enlarged Nato begins large-scale military drills in northern Europe

NATO begins large-scale military drills in Nordic region
Finland joins NATO leading to tensions with Russia [ more ]
Washington Post
10 months ago
Europe news

Four maps explain how Sweden and Finland will alter NATO's security

Sweden is on its way to joining NATO after Hungary ratified their bid, expanding NATO's strength and capabilities.
Sweden and Finland joining NATO will transform Europe's security landscape and potentially strain relations with Russia. [ more ]
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