RSV vaccines face new safety warnings as FDA links shots to rare neurological disorderThe FDA mandates GSK and Pfizer to include GBS risk warnings on their RSV vaccines due to safety concerns after an observational study.
New R.S.V. Vaccines Had Limited Takers Last Year. Will This Year Be Better?Vaccine uptake for R.S.V. is low, with only 24% of eligible older adults vaccinated last season.
RSV vaccines face new safety warnings as FDA links shots to rare neurological disorderThe FDA mandates GSK and Pfizer to include GBS risk warnings on their RSV vaccines due to safety concerns after an observational study.
New R.S.V. Vaccines Had Limited Takers Last Year. Will This Year Be Better?Vaccine uptake for R.S.V. is low, with only 24% of eligible older adults vaccinated last season.
The CDC Is Squandering a Breakthrough VaccineRSV shots are highly sought after by pregnant patients, even more so than flu or COVID shots.New RSV vaccines for pregnant people and infants have the potential to significantly reduce RSV-related hospitalizations in children under 5.