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2 months ago
Black Lives Matter

German police swoop on gang of foreign dating scammers

The Black Axe gang engaged in romance scams and money laundering in Germany, using a commodity-based money laundering scheme and operating under a seemingly charitable organization. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI use on dating apps rising, 1 in 4 Americans use to enhance profile

AI is increasingly used in online dating but is also contributing to a rise in scams and fake profiles.
23% of Americans are using AI to enhance their dating profiles and messaging, up from 15% last year. [ more ]
4 months ago
Digital life

I let a romance scammer try to seduce me to get the inside scoop on rom-cons | CBC News

Romance scams are a popular con, with victims losing an average of $53,000.
The fundamental need for connection drives people to fall for romance scams. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Retailers can't keep scammers away from their favorite payment form: gift cards

Gift card scams are prevalent and target vulnerable populations. [ more ]
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