Rob Halford and Alice Cooper unveil animated video for "My Christmas List"Rob Halford, Alice Cooper, and Brandon Jenner collaborated on the festive song 'My Christmas List' with an animated video, benefiting children's charities.
Judas Priest's Rob Halford has no plans to retire: "I need to do it. It's part of me"Rob Halford expresses no plans of retirement as long as Judas Priest continues to thrive and resonates with fans.
Post your questions for Judas Priest frontman Rob HalfordRob Halford's distinctive voice and theatricality have made him a defining vocalist in heavy metal.Judas Priest's influential presence in the heavy metal genre was solidified by their high-energy sound and unique appearance.
Judas Priest's Rob Halford has no plans to retire: "I need to do it. It's part of me"Rob Halford expresses no plans of retirement as long as Judas Priest continues to thrive and resonates with fans.
Post your questions for Judas Priest frontman Rob HalfordRob Halford's distinctive voice and theatricality have made him a defining vocalist in heavy metal.Judas Priest's influential presence in the heavy metal genre was solidified by their high-energy sound and unique appearance.