Would you support a four-day working week? Join The Independent DebateThe UK is piloting a four-day working week while introducing a right to switch off for employees.
UK proposes giving digital workers the 'right to switch off'Labour's government aims to provide a 'right to switch off' for digital workers in the UK.
The Labour government is set to introduce the "right to switch off" for employeesThe Labour government plans to introduce a "right to switch off" to enhance work-life balance and productivity for remote workers.
Would you support a four-day working week? Join The Independent DebateThe UK is piloting a four-day working week while introducing a right to switch off for employees.
UK proposes giving digital workers the 'right to switch off'Labour's government aims to provide a 'right to switch off' for digital workers in the UK.
The Labour government is set to introduce the "right to switch off" for employeesThe Labour government plans to introduce a "right to switch off" to enhance work-life balance and productivity for remote workers.
UK government set to back working from home to boost productivityThe UK government is promoting remote work to combat presenteeism and improve productivity.