Right to buy is wrong, and Labour must take action | LettersKeir Starmer's government should end the right-to-buy scheme to address housing shortages and utilize empty homes effectively.
Tenants may not be able to buy new council homes - RaynerAngela Rayner proposes restrictions on new council homes under the Right to Buy scheme to combat homelessness.
Right to buy is wrong, and Labour must take action | LettersKeir Starmer's government should end the right-to-buy scheme to address housing shortages and utilize empty homes effectively.
Tenants may not be able to buy new council homes - RaynerAngela Rayner proposes restrictions on new council homes under the Right to Buy scheme to combat homelessness.
Call it Thatcher's timebomb: the great council housing selloff of 2024, a crisis hidden in plain sight | Aditya ChakraborttyKeir Starmer's government is dismantling Thatcher's legacy by reducing discounts for the right to buy, significantly impacting housing policy and applications in London.
Rayner announces plan to tighten up right to buy council homes in EnglandChanges will limit tenant purchase of council homes to increase the stock of socially rented housing in England.
More tenants could be excluded from Right to BuyProposed Right to Buy policy changes aim to reduce home ownership among social housing tenants to address housing shortages.
Rachel Reeves to slash discount for right to buy' council homes in BudgetThe UK government plans to cut the 'right to buy' discount for council houses to ensure more homes remain available for rent.
London should set own rules on whether to pause or stop sale of council homes, says Sadiq KhanSadiq Khan advocates for London's autonomy in deciding the fate of the right to buy scheme, reflecting local needs versus national regulations.
What's so wrong with Right To Buy?The decline of social housing in England, from a third to 16%, reflects a growing housing crisis exacerbated by policies like the Right To Buy.
Call it Thatcher's timebomb: the great council housing selloff of 2024, a crisis hidden in plain sight | Aditya ChakraborttyKeir Starmer's government is dismantling Thatcher's legacy by reducing discounts for the right to buy, significantly impacting housing policy and applications in London.
Rayner announces plan to tighten up right to buy council homes in EnglandChanges will limit tenant purchase of council homes to increase the stock of socially rented housing in England.
More tenants could be excluded from Right to BuyProposed Right to Buy policy changes aim to reduce home ownership among social housing tenants to address housing shortages.
Rachel Reeves to slash discount for right to buy' council homes in BudgetThe UK government plans to cut the 'right to buy' discount for council houses to ensure more homes remain available for rent.
London should set own rules on whether to pause or stop sale of council homes, says Sadiq KhanSadiq Khan advocates for London's autonomy in deciding the fate of the right to buy scheme, reflecting local needs versus national regulations.
What's so wrong with Right To Buy?The decline of social housing in England, from a third to 16%, reflects a growing housing crisis exacerbated by policies like the Right To Buy.
Angela Rayner could end Right to Buy under which she bought her houseAngela Rayner considers abolishing Right to Buy scheme to address housing crisis and increase social rent homes.