How to Use @action Decorator in Django Rest Framework
Django Rest Framework's @action decorator allows for the creation of custom API endpoints within ViewSets, enhancing functionality beyond basic CRUD operations.
The Ultimate Django Rest Framework Cheat Sheet: A Comprehensive GuideDjango Rest Framework CheetSheet: Mastering API Development
Django Rest Framework simplifies the creation of scalable and robust web APIs through essential tools like serializers, views, and permissions.
How to Use @action Decorator in Django Rest Framework
Django Rest Framework's @action decorator allows for the creation of custom API endpoints within ViewSets, enhancing functionality beyond basic CRUD operations.
The Ultimate Django Rest Framework Cheat Sheet: A Comprehensive GuideDjango Rest Framework CheetSheet: Mastering API Development
Django Rest Framework simplifies the creation of scalable and robust web APIs through essential tools like serializers, views, and permissions.
Using Zato to create a REST API on top of directory services simplifies querying LDAP and Active Directory with REST and JSON.
SSH commands as API microservices
Turning SSH commands into a REST API service allows for remote administration of devices, restricting access to selected clients and translating command output to JSON.
LDAP and Active Directory as Python API Services
Using Zato to create a REST API on top of directory services simplifies querying LDAP and Active Directory with REST and JSON.
SSH commands as API microservices
Turning SSH commands into a REST API service allows for remote administration of devices, restricting access to selected clients and translating command output to JSON.