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3 months ago
Video games

Don't worry, Apex Legends players, Respawn's putting out some updates designed to help keep you safe after the ALGS hacks

Respawn is releasing updates to enhance security in Apex Legends following cheating incident during ALGS event.
Game and player security are top priorities for Respawn in response to professional player accounts being hacked. [ more ]
3 months ago
Video games

Apex Legends Developer Respawn Hit By EA Layoffs

EA's premier shooter, Apex Legends, faced layoffs impacting Respawn team members.
Multiple team members confirmed layoffs, expressing support for those affected. [ more ]
3 months ago
Video games

Don't worry, Apex Legends players, Respawn's putting out some updates designed to help keep you safe after the ALGS hacks

Respawn is releasing updates to enhance security in Apex Legends following cheating incident during ALGS event.
Game and player security are top priorities for Respawn in response to professional player accounts being hacked. [ more ]
3 months ago
Video games

Apex Legends Developer Respawn Hit By EA Layoffs

EA's premier shooter, Apex Legends, faced layoffs impacting Respawn team members.
Multiple team members confirmed layoffs, expressing support for those affected. [ more ]
3 months ago
Video games

Respawn Is Making Another Game In The Titanfall Universe - Report

Respawn is working on a new game in the Titanfall universe, not Titanfall 3.
The new game in development is beyond the prototyping phase but still considered a prototype. [ more ]
3 months ago
Video games

Respawn's Star Wars FPS Game Canceled - Report

EA announced layoffs and canceled games, including Respawn's Star Wars game.
Former studio employees claimed EA canceled Titanfall 3 and reassigned staff to other projects like Apex Legends. [ more ]
3 months ago
Video games

EA Cancels Respawn Star Wars Shooter Amid Mass Layoff

Respawn's unnamed Star Wars first-person shooter game has been canceled by EA amid a shift away from licensed games.
EA's decision to cancel the Star Wars FPS game is part of a larger plan to focus on iconic franchises like Apex Legends and Star Wars: Jedi. [ more ]
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