Landlord Marc Godart pays tenants 10k compensation over illegal eviction ahead of court hearingThree tenants received compensation after a two-year legal battle against illegal eviction by landlord Marc Godart.
Man 'walking around naked spraying fire extinguisher' among tenant's 80 complaints to Peter McVerry TrustA tenant has been awarded €3,500 for unresolved complaints about anti-social behavior in housing provided by a charity.
Rents shoot up again to an average of 1,600 a month nationwideNational average cost of new tenancy rose 4.7% to €1,644; Dublin's average now €2,147.
Tenants living in Ballsbridge apartment ordered to pay 35,000 in rent arrearsTenants were ordered to pay €35,000 in arrears after struggling to find alternative housing.The case highlights challenges in Dublin's rental market and affordability issues.
Thousands of tenants being hit with rent rises in breach of rulesRents for new tenants have surged significantly, averaging at €1,612 this year, up by €121 in the last year.One in four landlords are increasing rents beyond the legal limit of 2% in rental pressure zones.