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3 weeks ago
US news

Medical residents are starting to avoid states with abortion bans, data shows

Medical students are choosing residency programs in states with protected abortion access to ensure they receive comprehensive training. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

New Doctors Are Avoiding Residencies in States With Abortion Restrictions

Medical students consider state abortion laws in residency decisions. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Medical residents are increasingly avoiding states with abortion restrictions

Medical students avoiding states with abortion bans for residency programs due to limitations on training opportunities. [ more ]
Brooklyn Paper
1 month ago

Op-ed | Closing SUNY Downstate University Hospital will negatively impact borough * Brooklyn Paper

The closure of SUNY Downstate University Hospital may severely impact medical education and residency programs, leading to a shortage of doctors in Brooklyn. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

States with abortion bans saw greater drops in medical school graduates applying for residencies | amNewYork

Fewer U.S. medical school graduates are applying to residency programs, with a more significant decline in states with abortion bans, affecting specialties like OB-GYN. [ more ]
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