Current and former smokers can now get lungs checked at mobile unit, as pilot study aims to improve the early detection of cancerThe pilot program aims to enhance early detection and treatment of lung cancer in Ireland through innovative screening methods.
One Man's Meticulous Quest to Cure GriefGrief can be explored through various remedies, as illustrated in Cody Delistraty's personal journey and findings in 'The Grief Cure'.
Author Correction: Senescent glia link mitochondrial dysfunction and lipid accumulation - NatureThe article provides a detailed list of authors and their affiliations for a specific research project.
New fusarium head blight risk mapping tool launched for Prairie farmersFarmers in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba have a new risk mapping tool for assessing FHB, damaged kernels, and DON levels in wheat and barley based on real-time weather data.
U.S. Financial Industry to Explore Sharing Ledger Technology for Multiasset TransactionsMajor U.S. financial industry companies are joining to explore sharing ledger technology.
Nixon's White House was far ahead of its time on climate research. Then it was abandonedA multimillion-dollar climate change research project proposed in 1971 was not implemented, leading to a lost opportunity in addressing the early stages of the climate crisis.