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Psychology Today
2 weeks ago

Why Do Female Birds Sing?

Female song in songbirds serves important roles such as territorial defense, intrapair communication, and competition, but not primarily for mate attraction. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Audio long read: So you got a null result. Will anyone publish it?

The bias against publishing null results skews scientific understanding and has significant implications for fields like drug efficacy. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Why sex bias in labs means women are the losers in research into ageing

The lack of research on female mice in longevity studies leads to drugs developed mainly for males, which may not work on females or mothers. [ more ]
The Atlantic
7 months ago
Digital life

Can the Remote-Work Era Fix How Scientists Study Kids?

Developmental psychology primarily relies on data from a specific subset of children from WEIRD (Western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic) nations.
The use of an online tool called Lookit during the pandemic has allowed for a broader range of participants in developmental psychology studies. [ more ]
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