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5 months ago
US Elections

Trump Takes Aim at Haley as Primary Enters Final Phase in Iowa

Trump attacks Nikki Haley
Republican race remains static [ more ]
5 months ago
US Elections

Haley's Civil War Gaffe Complicates Her New Hampshire Push

Nikki Haley's gaffe on the causes of the Civil War, which neglected to mention slavery, has given her rival Chris Christie fresh ammunition
Haley's controversial answer and other missteps may have a lasting impact on her campaign to catch up to Donald Trump in the first Republican primary in New Hampshire [ more ]
5 months ago
US politics

Primaries, Polls and Party Shares: It's Time for the Mailbag.

Democrats and independents can play a role in the Republican primary by voting for Nikki Haley in states with open primaries.
The supporters of other Republican candidates may potentially align themselves with one candidate who runs against Trump if the field narrows down. [ more ]
5 months ago
US Elections

Trump Takes Aim at Haley as Primary Enters Final Phase in Iowa

Trump attacks Nikki Haley
Republican race remains static [ more ]
5 months ago
US Elections

Haley's Civil War Gaffe Complicates Her New Hampshire Push

Nikki Haley's gaffe on the causes of the Civil War, which neglected to mention slavery, has given her rival Chris Christie fresh ammunition
Haley's controversial answer and other missteps may have a lasting impact on her campaign to catch up to Donald Trump in the first Republican primary in New Hampshire [ more ]
5 months ago
US politics

Primaries, Polls and Party Shares: It's Time for the Mailbag.

Democrats and independents can play a role in the Republican primary by voting for Nikki Haley in states with open primaries.
The supporters of other Republican candidates may potentially align themselves with one candidate who runs against Trump if the field narrows down. [ more ]
5 months ago
US politics

US Supreme Court to decide if Trump can be kept off ballots

Former President Donald Trump has asked the US Supreme Court to intervene after being disqualified from the Colorado Republican primary ballot.
The Supreme Court's decision will have implications for Trump's eligibility for other state ballots in the 2024 election. [ more ]
5 months ago
US politics

Illinois voters file petition to remove Trump from Republican primary ballot

Voters in Illinois are petitioning to remove Donald Trump from the state's Republican primary ballot.
Similar efforts have been made in other states to bar Trump from returning to the White House. [ more ]
5 months ago
US politics

Looking Ahead to 5 Things That Will Shape the 2024 Election

Nikki Haley could be a potential challenger to Trump in the Republican primary
Haley's success in early primary states could have symbolic significance for the not-Trump wing of the Republican Party [ more ]
5 months ago
US politics

California said yes, Maine said no: Trump ballot fights threaten voting chaos just weeks before Iowa

Challenges to Trump's eligibility could end up before the Supreme Court, potentially throwing the Republican primary into chaos.
Maine's move to remove Trump from the ballot could set the stage for a constitutional showdown. [ more ]
5 months ago
US news

Trump Rivals Criticize Maine Decision in His Defense

Former President Donald J. Trump's rivals in the Republican race for president again lined up in his defense on Thursday after Maine barred him from its primary election ballot, the second state to do so.
5 months ago
US news

Boebert switches congressional districts, avoiding a Democratic opponent who has far outraised her

Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert is switching congressional districts in order to avoid a likely rematch against a Democrat who has outraised her.
Boebert cited personal reasons, including a rough year following a divorce and a scandalous video, as factors in her decision to switch districts. [ more ]
5 months ago
US politics

Young Iowa Republicans Raise Their Voices. Will Their Party Listen?

Vivek Ramaswamy is the only Republican primary candidate prioritizing an appeal to young voters.
Younger voters in Iowa are open to other candidates who they believe can more easily beat Biden than Trump. [ more ]
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