Changes should be made to rent caps, says OECDIreland should consider adjusting rent regulations between tenancies to improve security and attract investment.
AG James' Probe Returns Over 300 Apartments to AffordabilityThe New York AG's office successfully stabilized 263 apartments and reduced rents in response to illegal rent hikes by landlords.
Why rent regulation remains so hard to undo in NYCNew York City's housing crisis worsens due to low vacancies and rising rents, as rent regulations hinder the overall market despite intentions to provide affordability.
AG James' Probe Returns Over 300 Apartments to AffordabilityThe New York AG's office successfully stabilized 263 apartments and reduced rents in response to illegal rent hikes by landlords.
Why rent regulation remains so hard to undo in NYCNew York City's housing crisis worsens due to low vacancies and rising rents, as rent regulations hinder the overall market despite intentions to provide affordability.
'Good Cause' Eviction's Legal Litmus Test BeginsThe new Good Cause Eviction law in New York City reveals complexities in tenant protection and compliance issues triggering anticipated litigation.
A&E's $600M delinquency shows rent-regulated pain in CMBSA&E Real Estate is grappling with a severe loan crisis due to financial distress in heavily rent-regulated properties, marking a new trend in multifamily delinquencies.