Wildfire refugees scramble to find homes from South Bay to OCWildfire displacement is causing a housing crisis in Southern California, driving rents and demand sharply upward.
Justice Department accuses 6 major landlords of keeping rents highThe lawsuit targets collusion among major landlords to maintain high rents amid a housing crisis affecting millions of American renters.
Nearly one in five California renters pays $3K or more in rentCalifornia sees over 1 million renters paying $3,000+ monthly, doubling since 2019 amidst competitive housing and luxury rentals.
A Housing Crisis Deepens, and a Reporter Digs InNew York City's rental market has experienced dramatic changes during the pandemic, leading to escalating housing costs.
Justice Department accuses 6 major landlords of keeping rents highThe lawsuit targets collusion among major landlords to maintain high rents amid a housing crisis affecting millions of American renters.
Nearly one in five California renters pays $3K or more in rentCalifornia sees over 1 million renters paying $3,000+ monthly, doubling since 2019 amidst competitive housing and luxury rentals.
A Housing Crisis Deepens, and a Reporter Digs InNew York City's rental market has experienced dramatic changes during the pandemic, leading to escalating housing costs.
Hundreds gather in London to protest against capital's soaring' rentsRising rents in London are causing significant distress among renters, leading to protests and calls for urgent housing reforms.
Campaign to save east London mechanic who faces eviction after falling 112k behind on rentLen Maloney faces eviction from his garage due to rising debts, highlighting the challenges small businesses encounter amidst increased rents and financial pressures.
Op-Ed | The Bronx is buying a ticket to the future with historic Metro-North plan | amNewYorkThe Bronx is set to increase housing with the Metro-North Station Plan, providing nearly 7,000 homes and 10,000 jobs amid a housing crisis.