SpaceX wants to go to Mars. To get there, environmentalists say it's trashing TexasSpaceX's Starship aims to create a Mars colony, but environmental concerns arise regarding its impact on local ecosystems due to regulatory violations.
Dodgy landlord crammed too many people into house with faulty fire doorsRogue landlords in Camden face legal consequences for unsafe and illegal housing practices, underscoring the need for better regulation and tenant protections.
Boar's Head plant linked to deadly outbreak broke food safety rules dozens of times, records showBoar's Head deli meat plant in Virginia had 69 federal violations linked to a listeria outbreak causing multiple deaths and illnesses.
Mission Hills nursing home faulted over two deaths in less than three monthsCalifornia regulators cited Ararat Nursing Facility for violations linked to two resident deaths, jeopardizing its license.
$15M settlement reached after doctors allegedly left heart surgeries to perform other operationsThe FBI is investigating three Texas Medical Center institutions for alleged violations during heart surgeries.