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4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

SmartBear Acquires Reflect to Gain Generative AI-Based Testing Tool - DevOps.com

SmartBear has acquired Reflect, a no-code testing platform that uses generative AI.
Reflect's platform will be integrated into SmartBear's Test Hub platform and its generative AI capabilities will be added to other platforms. [ more ]
5 months ago
Mental health

7 Journals That Can Help Your Mental Health, According To Therapists

Journaling can improve mental health by helping reframe thoughts and develop a relationship with oneself.
Journaling can increase communication skills, distress tolerance, and provide a sense of reflection and growth. [ more ]
5 months ago

Real Estate: Where do you live and why and is this the year for change?

January is the perfect time to reflect and reassess where we live and if it still fits us.
Consider why you live where you live and if it is holding you back from a better life. [ more ]
5 months ago

How the Best Leaders Grow Through Adversity | Entrepreneur

Reflection is important for entrepreneurs to learn from both their wins and failures.
External circumstances, like COVID-19, may contribute to setbacks, but it's important to identify other underlying issues as well. [ more ]
Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty
5 months ago

Back Bay Broker Pondering Life Questions Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty

As one gets older, they start pondering questions about life and the afterlife.
The author contemplates their Back Bay showing while observing the peaceful beach and driftwood. [ more ]
The Paris Review
5 months ago

Making of a Poem: Farid Matuk on "Crease" - The Paris Review

The poem "Crease" by Farid Matuk started with the inspiration of artist Jeannie Simms' process of creating photograms.
The poem also draws from the experience of the poet during a routine of evening walks in a neighborhood near UC Berkeley. [ more ]
Washington Post
5 months ago

Perspective | What can we look forward to in 2024? Books, always books.

The author reflects on feeling overwhelmed and the meaninglessness of their job in 2023.
The author laments the lack of empathy, knowledge, and good manners in modern America. [ more ]
5 months ago

Appreciation for the Backside: Reflections on Running After Age 70

The author reflects on their experience of living a trail life on the backside of a mountain.
The encounter with a swift runner prompts the author to think about the rhythm of their own journey. [ more ]
New York Post
5 months ago

10 helpful tips for choosing New Year's resolutions

Reflect on the past year before setting resolutions
Make your resolutions specific and SMART [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
5 months ago
Social justice

Faith leaders: Here's how we can be peacemakers in Chicago and beyond

2023 was marked by devastating wars and continued violence
There is a distinction between peace lovers and peacemakers [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
6 months ago

Editorial: A COVID-19 memorial will help Chicago remember

The COVID-19 pandemic was a horrible period in history, not least for the United States, which suffered more than a million dead and at least 6.5 million hospitalizations - and counting.
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Bot takes: ChatGPT, Bard and Claude ponder 2023, pitch holiday TV ads, and predict 2024

Since so much of 2023 was filled with news about generative AI, how might chatbots reflect on what was an eventful year?
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