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Redux Toolkit adoption guide: Overview, examples, and alternatives - LogRocket Blog

Redux Toolkit simplifies Redux development by providing utility functions.
Redux Toolkit encapsulates best practices and common patterns to streamline Redux workflow.

Oh Hello Apollo Client , Goodbye Redux!

Switch to GQL and Apollo Client 3 may make you walk away from Redux.
Apollo Client 3 offers benefits such as reduced boilerplate code and built-in loading, success, and error states.

Why I Use RTK Query for API Calls in React | HackerNoon

RTK Query simplifies data fetching in Redux, enhancing efficiency and organization in complex applications.

Oh Hello Apollo Client , Goodbye Redux!

Switch to GQL and Apollo Client 3 can replace Redux for state management.

Redux Toolkit adoption guide: Overview, examples, and alternatives - LogRocket Blog

Redux Toolkit simplifies Redux development by providing utility functions.
Redux Toolkit encapsulates best practices and common patterns to streamline Redux workflow.

Oh Hello Apollo Client , Goodbye Redux!

Switch to GQL and Apollo Client 3 may make you walk away from Redux.
Apollo Client 3 offers benefits such as reduced boilerplate code and built-in loading, success, and error states.

Why I Use RTK Query for API Calls in React | HackerNoon

RTK Query simplifies data fetching in Redux, enhancing efficiency and organization in complex applications.

Oh Hello Apollo Client , Goodbye Redux!

Switch to GQL and Apollo Client 3 can replace Redux for state management.

Exploring the Redux second generation - LogRocket Blog

Redux Toolkit 2.0 is a major update that streamlines state management in Redux apps and reduces boilerplate code.
The update includes packaging updates, removal of deprecated options, improved workflow, and updated dependencies.
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