#racial equity

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3 days ago

Race removed as factor in kidney function test, allowing Minneapolis woman to receive transplant sooner

A major change in the medical world is helping to make kidney transplants more racially equitable. [ more ]
5 days ago

You need to make $123,269 a year not to be 'rent burdened' here

BIPOC households in metro Boston spend 41% of income on rent, compared to 33.5% for white households. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Commission on Racial Equity Announces New Commissioners, Roadmap

CORE appointed 11 out of 14 commissioners to advance racial equity in NYC with a focus on marginalized communities. [ more ]
Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
2 weeks ago

Can Recoverable Grants Be Used to Address Racial Inequity in Funding? - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

James Wahls uses recoverable grants to advance racial equity by providing interest-free capital to businesses led by people of color. [ more ]
Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
2 weeks ago

VCU, GMU won't require DEI classes after Youngkin's review

Undergraduate diversity-themed coursework mandates in public Virginia universities faced opposition from Republican governor, leading to the mandates being removed before implementation. [ more ]
New York Post
4 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Sorry, Team Biden: Lower capital-gains taxes aren't racist - higher ones are

The Biden administration proposed raising capital gains taxes, linking lower tax rates to racial disparities, which has sparked controversy. [ more ]
Above the Law
4 months ago

Did The Firms That Shared MLK Quotes Actually Read The Guy?

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is often misused as a way for people to justify positions that King would not have supported.
Martin Luther King Jr. had non-violence and racial equity as core tenets of his philosophy, and it is jarring to see people who do not embody those values praising him. [ more ]
6 months ago
Black Lives Matter

WSJ News Exclusive | Fewer Black Professionals Are Getting Promoted Into Management, Reversing Trend

U.S. companies have lost momentum in promoting Black professionals into management.
After the murder of George Floyd, companies set goals for advancing Black talent.
Some progress has been made in hiring and promoting Black professionals. [ more ]
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