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10 months ago

PyPy v7.3.12 release

PyPy v7.3.12: release of python 2.7, 3.9, and 310.The PyPy team is proud to release version 7.3.12 of PyPy.This release includes a new string-to-int algorithm (also appearing in CPython 3.12) that is faster than the older one; support for symlinks in Windows; and our first Python3.10version.The release includes three different interpreters:

PyPy2.7, which is an interpreter supporting the syntax and the features of Python 2.7 including the stdlib for CPython 2.7.18+ (the + is for backported security updates)

PyPy3.9, which is an interpreter supporting the syntax and the features of Python 3.9, including the stdlib for CPython 3.9.17.
1 year ago

PyPy v7.3.11 release

PyPy v7.3.11: release of python 2.7, 3.8, and 3.9
The PyPy team is proud to release version 7.3.11 of PyPy.As could be expected, the first release of macOS arm64 impacted the macOS x86-64 build, so this is a bug release to restore the ability of macOS users to run PyPy on macOS < 11.0.It also incoporates the latest CPython stdlib updates released the day after 7.3.10
1 year ago

PyPy v7.3.10 release

PyPy v7.3.10: release of python 2.7, 3.8, and 3.9
The PyPy team is proud to release version 7.3.10 of PyPy.We have some nice speedups and bugfixes we wish to share.The release includes three different interpreters:

PyPy2.7, which is an interpreter supporting the syntax and the features of Python 2.7 including the stdlib for CPython 2.7.18+ (the + is for backported security updates)

PyPy3.8, which is an interpreter supporting the syntax and the features of Python 3.8, including the stdlib for CPython 3.8.15.
James Sinclair
1 year ago

What if the team hates my functional code?

Indulge me a moment, and picture the following scenario.You've just come back to work after a summer break.And over the break, you've been working hard.
1 year ago

Build your own text adventure language in Python

Sponsored by Compiler Podcast from RedHat
Brian #1: Ten tasty ingredients for a delicious pull request
on wagtail blog, from LB Great tips for helping out with open source projects.
1 year ago

GitHub - luoxuhai/pcl.js: Point Cloud Library (PCL) for browser, powered by WebAssembly (PCL) WebAssembly

Point Cloud Library (PCL) for browser, powered by WebAssembly.
English | 简体中文
pcl.js is a Point Cloud Library (PCL) that runs in the browser, powered by Emscripten and WebAssembly.
10 months ago

GitHub - Rohith-JN/type-frontend: A minimalistic typing test site to improve your typing skills and track your progress

1. Type-Frontend is a powerful and easy-to-use frontend development framework that helps developers rapidly build modern, interactive web applications.
2. Type-Frontend is built using TypeScript, a strongly-typed language that can improve code readability and reduce the likelihood of errors.
3. Type-Frontend comes with a variety of features such as React components, styled-components, and a custom theme system that make the development process more [ more ]
Marcin Wanago Blog - JavaScript, both frontend and backend
1 year ago

API with NestJS #96. Running unit tests with CI/CD and GitHub Actions

We should closely monitor the state of tests in our NestJS application.In a few previous parts of this series, we've used Docker and GitHub actions to design a CI/CD pipeline that automates our deployments.In this article, we avoid deploying faulty code by running unit tests before each pull request automatically.
Read the Docs Blog
1 year ago

Read the Docs newsletter - March 2023


🪄️ The Django application that handles uncached requests on all our hosted documentation is called El Proxito.And that application is getting a major refactor, improving both speed and features.Most of the refactoring work is already merged and within the coming weeks, we will start to enable it gradually while monitoring if there are issues.
1 year ago

[Part 2] React: Create an environment for User Acceptance Testing on the creation of a Pull Request

This is the 2nd part of React: Create an environment for User Acceptance Testing on the creation of a Pull Request.If you haven't read that I would highly recommend going through that in detail.
Marcin Wanago Blog - JavaScript, both frontend and backend
1 year ago

API with NestJS #69. Database migrations with TypeORM

When working with relational databases, we define the structure of the data rather strictly.
1 year ago

CNCF Launches Cloud Native Network Function Certification Program

By: Veronica Haggar on
11 months ago

GitHub - aralroca/default-composer: A JavaScript library that allows you to set default values for nested objects

1. Default-Composer is a package that helps you create a default composer.json configuration file with the latest versions of the most popular PHP packages.
2. Default-Composer provides a command-line tool to quickly create a default composer.json file with the most popular PHP packages
11 months ago


1. Vercel's Next.js 13 now supports client-side translations, making it easier to create multilingual apps.
2. To use translations in client components, you will need to import the `useTranslation` hook.
3. You can use the `getInitialProps`
11 months ago

GitHub - f3rno64/track-time-cli: CLI utility for tracking your time in time sheets

A simple command-line utility for tracking your time.Uses to parse natural language dates and times.So you can check in 2 hours and 10 minutes ago.Getting Started
To install:
This provides the tt command.Basic Usage
track-time-cli stores time entries on named sheets.By default a main sheet is created.
11 months ago

GitHub - Exact-Realty/ts-multipart-parser: TypeScript streaming parser for MIME multipart messages

This is a library for parsing MIME multipart messages, such as those used in HTTP requests and email messages, written in TypeScript.It provides an easy-to-use async generator that returns the parsed headers and body of each part in a multipart message.Nested multipart messages are supported.Features

Parses multipart messages according to the specification

Supports nested multipart messages
Lightweight and fast
Written in TypeScript, but can be used with plain JavaScript as well

???? Installation
You can install the library using either npm or yarn:
npm install @exact-realty/multipart-parser
yarn add @exact-realty/multipart-parser
The library exports the function parseMultipartMessage, which returns an async generator that yields objects with the headers and body (as a Uint8Array) of each part in the multipart message.
1 year ago

GitHub - niradler/fn-lifecycle: Control the before and after of running a function, can be used for validation, caching, data mutation and more.

Control the before and after of running a function, can be used for validation, caching, data mutation and more.Features

Wraps functions to create a lifecycle of before and after
Supports TypeScript
Can be used for validation, caching, and more
Easy to use and integrate into existing projects
Provides a flexible and customizable solution for managing function lifecycles

check the tests folder for more complete examples.
1 year ago

GitHub - MarketingPipeline/TryCatch.js: A JavaScript library to handle errors in a more structured way.

Show your support!TryCatch.js is a JavaScript library to help you handle your errors in a more clean & structured way.Example and usage
How to use TryCatch.js:Contributing

Want to improve this?Create a pull request with detailed changes / improvements!If approved you will be added to the list of contributors of this awesome project!
11 months ago
Web development

Neat CSS

↖Rapidly build efficient sites with Neat, the minimalist css framework.Download
Getting Started
Design Decisions

Neat CSS 0.1.1 - 25 April 2023
Neat is a simple HTML template.It's tiny, opinionated, and made to last.It's created by Joel Dare and heavily inspired by other minimalist sites like Hundred Rabbits and dozens of similar blogs.
1 year ago

GitHub - oslabs-beta/Orcastration: A GUI designed to easily visualize Docker Swarm Nodes allowing developers to fully understand their swarm, containers, and images at all times.

Orcastration is a Docker Swarm visualization tool, giving developers the power to view container metrics of their Docker Swarm with ease!A seamless and efficient GUI gives you insight to CPU usage, memory usage, NET I/O, and the health of each of your Docker swarm containers organized neatly by node and task.
1 year ago

How to write unit tests and make your first continuous integration with Github & Travis CI in iOS...

Unit Test is a software development process that allows us to test our code to check whether the result of our code meets the expectation of the result that we want or not.With unit tests, we can prevent some bugs that occur within our code.most developers usually use unit tests to check the logic of the code that they working on.
LogRocket Blog
1 year ago

Deploy a Rust web server to Heroku with Axum, Tokio, and GitHub actions - LogRocket Blog

axum is an async web framework from the Tokio project.It is designed to be a very thin layer over hyper and is compatible with the Tower ecosystem, allowing the use of various middleware provided by tower-http and tower-web.In this post, we will walk through how you can deploy a Rust web server using Axum, Tokio, and GitHub Actions to Heroku for your projects.
1 year ago

GitHub - oslabs-beta/LiveStateDB: A real time state management library that allows for state to subscribe and update based on changes from a specific portion of a database.

LiveStateDB is a database subscription API that enables developers to make state reflect database changes in real time.Developers will have access to a custom hook, useSubscribe(), to implement in your front-end codebase, and a back-end library which allows the server to interface with your database.
1 year ago

CI/CD with GitHub Actions

In this post, we will setup CI/CD with GitHub actions to build and push images to Docker Hub.
What is CI/CD
What is GitHub Actions
Setup CI/CD with GitHub actions
1 year ago

GitHub - Genez-io/genezio: Run a completely functional backend in just a few minutes.

genezio is a platform for developers to write, deploy and use a serverless API.You are writing your backend logic in classes and design your frontend using your preferred programming language.By calling genezio deploy, we are deploying your backend classes in a serverless infrastructure.To make it easy to call your backend logic from the client, an SDK is generated.
1 year ago

GitHub - rush86999/atomic: Solve all your scheduling problems using AI for everyone

⚠️ Project is under active development

⚠️ console.log.*$regex was introduced to remove console logs.Code needs to be edited for side effects.Your IDE should be able to catch most of these or you can wait for an update

Imagine going back and forth for recurring 1:1 meetings in your email for your team.
Smashing Magazine
1 year ago
Web development

Code Documentation, Streamlined - Smashing Magazine

Writing code documentation can be overwhelming when there's no smooth process in place.Streamlining best practices and setting automation in your favor works a long way toward getting permanently up-to-date content that reflects the important pieces of your codebase.Everything surrounding software documentation is tough - from allocating time to do it to keeping it up to date.
1 year ago

GitHub - MarketingPipeline/Termino.js: Create a web based terminal on any website - great for games, animations and real world apps!

Termino.js is a highly customizable front-end component written in pure JavaScript that is great for making web based terminal animations, games & apps on any website including support for curses-based apps, custom functions on user commands, key-code & mouse events & much more!ie: You can use this JavaScript library to create web based terminals on any website.
1 year ago
UX design

Accessible color for design systems just got easier

Over two years ago, we released Leonardo: the first-of-its-kind contrast ratio based color generation tool.
Marcin Wanago Blog - JavaScript, both frontend and backend
1 year ago

API with NestJS #95. CI/CD with Amazon ECS and GitHub Actions

In the last two parts of this series, we've explained the details of manually deploying our NestJS application with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.It's a great idea to go through the above process by hand to understand it fully.The next step is automating it by implementing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery.
1 year ago

GitHub - azu/tsconfig-to-dual-package: Node.js dual package tool that add package.json to tsconfig's `outDir`

A Node.js dual package tool for TypeScript.You can support CommonJS and ESModules in one package via this tool.This tool add package.json which is { "type": "module" } or { "type": "commonjs" } based on tsconfig's module and outDir option.You can use this tool with tsc command.
1 year ago

Neutralinojs 2023 Roadmap | CodeZri

We typically publish a set of goals for the upcoming year and let you know the current year's achievements at the end of every year via a blog post.For example, we published the "Neutralinojs 2022 Roadmap" article on December 2021.Similarly, we are publishing this article for the year 2023.
1 year ago

Advent of Code 2022

Advent of Code is a yearly event that consists of a series of small programming puzzles.The puzzles are released daily from December 1st to December 25th.The goal is to improve your understanding of your programming language of choice by solving as many puzzles as possible.Last year, Scala Center started the tradition of participating in the challenge.
1 year ago
Web design

Adding Box Shadows to WordPress Blocks and Elements | CSS-Tricks

I stumbled across this tweet from Ana Segota looking for a way to add a CSS to a button's hover state in WordPress in the theme.jsonfile.Is it possible to add a box-shadow for the button on hover state in theme.json?#WordPress- Ana Segota (@Ana_Segota)
November 1, 2022

She's asking because theme.json is where WordPress wants us to start moving basic styles for block themes.
1 year ago
Web design

Adding Fluid Typography Support to WordPress Block Themes | CSS-Tricks

Fluid typography is a fancy way of "describing font properties, such as size or line height, that scale fluidly according to the size of the viewport".
1 year ago

How to Get Started With a Clean Architecture Template for NodeJS, Ts.ED and TypeScript | HackerNoon

I am a martian, but also a software developer.
1 year ago
UX design

The Illustrated Stable Diffusion

AI image generation is the most recent AI capability blowing people's minds (mine included).
1 year ago

GitHub - pichillilorenzo/mlab-speed-test: Test your download and upload speed using speed.measurementlab.net

To get started with this library, you need to install it and add it to your project.
npm install mlab-speed-test --save yarn add mlab-speed-test
1 year ago

GitHub - pichillilorenzo/gifski-command: Node.js module for gifski GIF encoder CLI

To get started with this library, you need to install it and add it to your project.
npm install gifski-command --save yarn add gifski-command
1 year ago

GitHub - Elijah-Bodden/kNow: Plug-and-play, faster-than-native promise/callback event emitter

Blazing-fast callback/promise-based events with a tiny footprint
With kNow (pronounced " now"-the k's silent), JavaScript event management has never been more intuitive-or lighter-weight.
Yonatan Kra
1 year ago

What is the Coupling Pitfall and how to Avoid it? - Yonatan Kra

How to avoid constant tests maintenance and regressions in your code?In this article we will talk about a new term "the Coupling Pitfall", what harm it is doing to your code and of a way to fix it.
1 year ago

GitHub - MarketingPipeline/Markdown-Tag: Add Markdown to any HTML using a tag

The easiest way to add Markdown support to your website!Show your support!
Example and usage
You can view a demo of Markdown Tag in use here.
How to use Markdown Tag:
1 year ago

Summary Plugin 1.2.0 for Pelican Released

Summary is a plugin for Pelican, a static site generator written in Python.
Summary allows easy, variable length summaries directly embedded within the body of your articles.
This Release
1 year ago

Python fun with emojis

At EuroSciPy in 2018, Marc Garcia gave a lightning talk which started by pointing out that scientific Python programmers like to alias everything, such as
1 year ago

GitHub Enterprise Server adds code security, automation features

GitHub Enterprise Server 3.5, the latest version of GitHub's software for hosting and managing repositories on private servers, introduces new code security features, new automation capabilities, and access to the GitHub Container Registry, which is now available in public beta.
1 year ago

Fairwinds Insights Latest Release Unifies DevSecOps with Additional Shift-Left Security Enhancements

By: Veronica Haggar on
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