Council Post: 4 New Year's Resolutions For Marketers In 2025
The marketing industry needs accountability and honesty to eliminate waste and improve the public good.
Social housing can work in SF, a groundbreaking new report shows - 48 hills
The report suggests San Francisco could revolutionize housing with mixed-income social housing, moving toward treating it as a public good rather than a profit-driven commodity.
JavaScript community asks US officials to revoke Oracle's grip on trademark
The JavaScript community is attempting to free the trademark from Oracle, claiming it has become generic and a public good.
Farmers have hoarded land for too long. Inheritance tax will bring new life to rural Britain | Will Hutton
The conversation on society's good is increasingly dominated by wealth interests, undermining collective well-being.
Carnahan explains GSA's path to AI adoption
The challenge of balancing the speed of change in AI with mitigating risks is crucial for leveraging data for public good in democratic societies.