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The Atlantic
1 month ago

How Sci-Fi Inspired Conspiracy Theory

The roots of dystopian political rhetoric can be traced back to mid-century science fiction, particularly the work of Paul Linebarger who used storytelling for psychological warfare. [ more ]
2 months ago
Liverpool FC

Is Jurgen Klopp entering a bold new age of psychological warfare? | Jonathan Wilson

Klopp's remarks post Liverpool's draw hint at a revival of psychological warfare in the Premier League
Mind games in football can turn seemingly ordinary statements into catalysts for pressure on one team and motivation for another [ more ]
3 months ago
Germany news

The Man Who Used Nazi Propaganda to Help the Allies Win

Allied deception through Soldatensender Calais radio station during D-Day
Intricate psychological game of using propaganda to demoralize German troops and encourage defection [ more ]
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