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4 weeks ago
Data science

Carmen Estrada, neuroscientist: Science and God cannot coexist'

Exposure to a broader view of science may lead to a more scientific attitude and decreased susceptibility to pseudoscience. [ more ]
3 months ago

Pseudoscience Has Long Been Used to Oppress Transgender People

There have been three waves of opposition to transgender health care throughout history.
Backlash against gender-affirming care has historically been rooted in pseudoscience. [ more ]
Ars Technica
4 months ago
Public health

1,500 kids got bogus homeopathic pellets instead of lifesaving vaccines in NY

A midwife in New York administered fake homeopathic pellets instead of vaccines to children
The program falsely claimed to protect against deadly infectious diseases [ more ]
Ars Technica
4 months ago
OMG science

The key to fighting pseudoscience isn't mockery-it's empathy

Engaging with pseudoscience requires empathy and understanding
Defining pseudoscience can be complicated due to blurry lines and varying contexts. [ more ]
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