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San Jose Spotlight
2 months ago
Silicon Valley real estate

Downtown San Jose property owner neglects blighted building - San Jose Spotlight

The Lawrence Hotel building in downtown San Jose remains in disrepair three years after a fire, impacting the city's efforts to revitalize the area. [ more ]
4 months ago
LA real estate

Mike Barry Adds Apartments to Hotel Project in Koreatown

A property owner in Koreatown has revised plans for a hotel and residential project, adding an extra floor and 20 apartments.
The seven-story building will feature a 60-room hotel, 20 apartments, shops, and restaurants, with a rooftop bar and swimming pools.
The developer plans to break ground late this year and complete the project in 2026, pending approvals and a zone change. [ more ]
Austin Monitor
5 months ago

Valid petitions fail to sway Council in two zoning cases - Austin Monitor

City Council approved historic zoning for a small Folk Victorian house in East Austin over the objection of the owner.
The property owner did not speak at the Council meeting. The only speaker was JuanRaymon Rubio, a member of the board of Preservation Austin. [ more ]
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