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5 months ago
Fashion & style

Most impulse beauty buys are useless but these actually work | Sali Hughes on beauty

Thirst buys are unplanned purchases that seem essential but often turn out to be useless.
Sometimes, thirst buys can deliver on their promise and actually solve a problem. [ more ]
5 months ago

Creator vs fabricator: a different perspective on problem-solving

Designers have the responsibility to influence how others perceive design
The role of a designer can vary depending on the project and the specific challenge [ more ]
5 months ago

How to Get Promoted and Thrive at Work By 'Eating the Frog' | Entrepreneur

Identifying niche problems and solving them can build trust with managers
Taking on disliked tasks can help build a reputation as a team player who can step in where needed. [ more ]
5 months ago
UK politics

How can Keir Starmer win big this year? By leading with love and ambition | Zoe Williams

The current government does not make decisions; decisions are forced upon it by crises.
To defeat the Conservatives, a challenger candidate like Keir Starmer should start with a presumption of love and focus on solving problems together. [ more ]
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