Some notable quotes from Jimmy Carter's funeralJimmy Carter was celebrated for his character, prophetic vision, and commitment to principles of dignity and respect for all.
How to Apply the 7 Principles of Product ManagementProduct management is akin to assembling a puzzle without knowing the final picture; misalignment without principles leads to confusion and inadequate product delivery.
U.S., UK and EU Make Joint Statement on Fostering AI CompetitionRegulatory bodies from EU, UK, and US collaborate to study competition in AI industry.
To be a designer is to be a facilitatorFacilitation in design should be viewed as a principle aspect rather than just an event-specific role.
Quality assurance (QA): Principles and process - LogRocket BlogQuality assurance (QA) is a proactive approach to ensure products meet defined standards and prevent defects upfront.Principles of QA include 'Fit for purpose,' 'Right first time,' 'Customer focus,' and 'Prevention over detection.'