Biden campaigns against Supreme CourtPresident Biden advocates for 18-year term limits and a new code of ethics for Supreme Court justices.
Elias: After 52 years, California matters again in presidential politicsCalifornia's pivotal role in recent presidential nomination politics highlighted by Kamala Harris's quick nomination victory.
Donald Trump and Joe Biden Clinch Their Party NominationsBiden and Trump secure party nominations. Long-awaited general election rematch in November.
Democrats' time crunch for a new candidate is still long compared to other countriesThe lengthy timeline of U.S. political campaigns is unique compared to other countries.
Donald Trump and Joe Biden Clinch Their Party NominationsBiden and Trump secure party nominations. Long-awaited general election rematch in November.
Democrats' time crunch for a new candidate is still long compared to other countriesThe lengthy timeline of U.S. political campaigns is unique compared to other countries.
US election 2024 primaries: follow live resultsDonald Trump and Joe Biden are expected to secure victory in their respective parties' presidential nomination contests.Trump's extremist rhetoric and disregard for traditional campaign practices are causing concerns over the threat to American democracy.
Why We Have Conventions and How They WorkPolitical party national conventions determine presidential nominees after primary elections. Delegates cast votes based on primary election outcomes.