Publisher Correction: Placenta-tropic VEGF mRNA lipid nanoparticles ameliorate murine pre-eclampsiaThe corrections clarify important data inaccuracies in a study on lipid nanoparticles for murine pre-eclampsia.
Targeted mRNA therapy tackles deadly pregnancy condition in micemRNA therapy shows promise in reversing causes of pre-eclampsia based on mouse studies, potentially paving the way for future human treatments.
What Killed Harmony Ball-Stribling?The tragic death of Harmony Ball-Stribling due to complications of pre-eclampsia sheds light on healthcare disparities in rural America.
'Micropreemie' baby who weighed just over 1 pound at birth goes home from Illinois hospitalPremature baby born at 22 weeks beats odds, goes home after 6 months in hospital
Aspirin Can Prevent a Deadly Pregnancy Complication. Why Aren't Women Told?Daily low-dose aspirin can benefit pregnant women at risk of pre-eclampsia, reducing complications and maternal mortality rates.