#poverty alleviation

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1 month ago

Dutch city pilots radical debt cancellation scheme for poor families

Arnhem city is canceling debts of the poorest families to break the downward spiral and provide a fresh start. [ more ]
1 month ago

Parts of Havering facing 'significant deprivation' - report

Residents in deprived areas face significantly lower life expectancy, prompting the council to address poverty through various initiatives. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
1 month ago

Californians were hoping for two big tax breaks. Why aren't they getting them?

Expanded child tax credit and SALT deduction have faced delays in Congress, impacting potential savings for Californian residents. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
2 months ago

Low-income workers can get huge tax refunds. This event helps them get the money

Low- and moderate-income workers in Los Angeles can utilize tax credits like earned income tax credit to get refunds.
The earned income tax credit is a powerful tool to help lift people out of poverty. [ more ]
The Atlantic
3 months ago

The Case for Spending Way More on Babies

Cash-transfer programs have been successful in alleviating poverty in cities across America.
Providing financial support to new parents can help mitigate the effects of poverty on children. [ more ]
5 months ago

It's one of the biggest experiments in fighting global poverty. Now the results are in

Giving cash aid in a lump sum has advantages over monthly payments.
Universal basic income can have a positive impact on well-being and poverty alleviation. [ more ]
5 months ago
UK news

Glenys Kinnock, former UK minister, European Parliament member and wife of ex-Labour leader, dies

Glenys Kinnock, former British cabinet minister and member of the European Parliament, has passed away at the age of 79.
Kinnock was known for her work in reducing poverty and starvation in Africa, as well as her advocacy for social justice, equality, and the European Union. [ more ]
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