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4 months ago

I tried a 2-week negativity fast. Here's how it went

The human brain is wired to focus on the negative due to survival instincts.
Positivity is a choice and it is possible to spend more time in a positive state by removing negative sources from one's life. [ more ]
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
4 months ago
Web design

The Color Psychology Of White: Purity, Innocence, Integrity, Perfection, And More!

White is associated with purity, calmness, and coldness.
White is a powerful non-color that can convey purity, innocence, and calmness. [ more ]
Posting and Toasting
5 months ago
New York Knicks

New Year's resolutions for the fans, the front office, and a few of the players

Focus on gratitude and gratefulness as a Knicks fan
Recognize the team's strengths and positives despite flaws [ more ]
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