Developing modals using only CSS and the Popover API - LogRocket BlogModals can now be created without JavaScript by leveraging the Dialog and Popover APIs, simplifying the development process.
Pop(over) The Balloons | CSS-TricksThe Popover API allows for creating interactive features using just HTML and CSS, enabling the development of games like 'Pop(over) the Balloons.'
Pop(over) The Balloons | CSS-TricksThe Popover API allows for creating interactive features using just HTML and CSS, enabling the development of games like 'Pop(over) the Balloons.'
Major Browser Vendors Announce Interop 2024 to Solve Incompatibility IssuesInterop 2024 aims to promote web browser interoperability through 17 focus areas.CSS Nesting and Popover API are key areas of focus for Interop 2024.