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2 months ago
NYC politics

Political Candidate Accused Of Sucker Punching Female TikTok Influencer | iHeart

Man accused of assaulting a TikTok influencer identified as a former political candidate.
Incident prompted discussion about safety in big cities and drew attention to a potential trend of random attacks. [ more ]
Above the Law
3 months ago

Law Professor Turned Congresswoman Earns Six-Figure Campaign Contribution From Law Firm's Managing Partner

Katie Porter supported by donors for Senate bid
Porter's diverse background and support highlighted [ more ]
3 months ago

Gloria Steinem on Activism, American Politics, Gender Equality, and Hope

Gloria is described as cool, with a classic and unflappable demeanor that draws attention wherever she goes.
Gloria's interaction with a political candidate shows her graciousness and ability to handle unexpected attention with ease. [ more ]
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