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Slate Magazine
1 month ago

How Harvey Milk Found His Calling in an Epic Gay Rights Battle

Harvey Milk found his purpose as a gay community leader with political ambitions and faced challenges during John Briggs' gay teacher ban. [ more ]
1 month ago
US news

David Trone Torched $60 Million of His Own Money. He's Not the Only One.

Wealthy individuals investing large sums in political campaigns do not guarantee success. [ more ]
1 month ago
US Elections

Trump and DeSantis Meet for First Time Since Bruising Primary

Trump and DeSantis met for the first time post-primary, focusing on fundraising and political ambitions, despite past tensions. [ more ]
2 months ago
Left-wing politics

Dwayne The Rock' Johnson says he will not repeat Joe Biden endorsement

Dwayne The Rock Johnson withdrawing endorsement of Joe Biden for upcoming election.
No Labels national director confirms support for Joe Biden despite Johnson's decision.
Dwayne Johnson considering political ambitions but acknowledging dislike for politics. [ more ]
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