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1 month ago

American Horror Story: Delicate ends with a WTF, not a bang

Two good American Horror Story seasons in a row might have been too much to ask for. [ more ]
The Verge
2 months ago

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth's biggest twist is concealed in a tiny detail

Developers of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth used subtle animation details to convey a major plot twist.
The absence of animation in a specific scene gains significance when viewed in the context of the entire game. [ more ]
3 months ago
Video games

The Halo TV Series Just Killed Off An Iconic Character

The episode deviates significantly from the game's storyline by unexpectedly killing off a beloved character in an unceremonious manner.
The death of Commander Keyes in Halo season 2 episode 4 comes as a surprise due to a plot twist involving his failure to properly fuel a ship for evacuation. [ more ]
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