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2 months ago
Data science

The Transformative Power Of Plain Language In Organisational Learning

Clear communication is crucial in workplace learning for efficient and effective knowledge transfer.
Plain language in learning materials enhances accessibility and understanding for all learners. [ more ]
4 months ago
Web design

Don't Stuff Your Sentences, Shorten Them Instead

Plain language is crucial for effective communication online.
Improving sentence structure can enhance user experience and readability. [ more ]
4 months ago
Business intelligence

Crux is building GenAI-powered business intelligence tools | TechCrunch

Startups like Crux are creating GenAI tools tailored for enterprise needs, such as AI models that answer questions about business data in plain language.
Crux converts database schema into a semantic layer that AI models can understand, and allows customers to customize question-answering models. [ more ]
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