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Pinstripe Alley
1 month ago
New York Yankees

New York Yankees vs. Tampa Bay Rays: Luis Gil vs Aaron Civale

Baseball is a long season, with a short memory needed to bounce back quickly from losses. [ more ]
McCovey Chronicles
3 months ago
San Francisco Giants

Problematic pitches: Alex Cobb edition

Alex Cobb's biggest concern is how well he can throw pitches after hip surgery this off-season.
Cobb's sinker and split-finger had equal usage and earned a Run Value of 4, while his curveball had a -1 RV. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
4 months ago
LA Dodgers

'Everything they touch turns to gold.' How the Dodgers help pitchers change their fortunes

Dodgers' pitcher Alex Wood improved his strikeout rate after receiving a pitching analysis from the team's general manager.
Wood shifted his pitching approach to focus on using his offspeed pitches to put batters away. [ more ]
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