The Commons: Teaching LucyThe solution to America's literacy crisis is a balanced approach to reading instruction, incorporating both phonics and whole language strategies.
Learn How To Read With Phonics: 3 Steps To Teach PhonicsPhonics is the preferred method for teaching reading, enabling strong decoding skills and boosting children's confidence in reading.
The Commons: Teaching LucyThe solution to America's literacy crisis is a balanced approach to reading instruction, incorporating both phonics and whole language strategies.
Learn How To Read With Phonics: 3 Steps To Teach PhonicsPhonics is the preferred method for teaching reading, enabling strong decoding skills and boosting children's confidence in reading.
My daughter repeated kindergarten because she couldn't read. I ended up sending both my kids to private school because I don't trust the public system.Teaching phonics is crucial for effective literacy education, as demonstrated by Susie Coughlin's decision to switch her daughter to a school that emphasizes this method.
Literacy materials dropped by many schools face new pressure from struggling readers' parentsLawsuit targets ineffective reading instruction methods in Massachusetts, advocating for phonics-based approaches instead.
Wine warnings raise my blood pressure | Brief lettersModerate consumption of red wine may not significantly impact blood pressure, contrary to popular belief.Phonics screening fails to address the diverse needs of all children, particularly those with autism.
Capstone's New Stairway Decodables Help Students Build Phonics SkillsStairway Decodables enhance early reading by providing engaging, phonics-focused resources tailored to support educators and students in a systematic approach.
Wine warnings raise my blood pressure | Brief lettersModerate consumption of red wine may not significantly impact blood pressure, contrary to popular belief.Phonics screening fails to address the diverse needs of all children, particularly those with autism.
Capstone's New Stairway Decodables Help Students Build Phonics SkillsStairway Decodables enhance early reading by providing engaging, phonics-focused resources tailored to support educators and students in a systematic approach.