Are the London Overground strikes cancelled? RMT union issues updateThe London Overground strikes have been suspended after an improved pay offer was received by RMT.An e-referendum will be held next week to assess the new offer.
Train drivers' pay offer good deal, minister insistsThe new pay offer for train drivers aims to end strikes, benefiting taxpayers, according to the government.
London Overground Strikes Next Week CancelledLondon Overground strikes scheduled for next week have been cancelled.RMT Union members received an improved pay offer, resulting in the cancellation of the strike.
Are the London Overground strikes cancelled? RMT union issues updateThe London Overground strikes have been suspended after an improved pay offer was received by RMT.An e-referendum will be held next week to assess the new offer.
Train drivers' pay offer good deal, minister insistsThe new pay offer for train drivers aims to end strikes, benefiting taxpayers, according to the government.
London Overground Strikes Next Week CancelledLondon Overground strikes scheduled for next week have been cancelled.RMT Union members received an improved pay offer, resulting in the cancellation of the strike.
Planned bus strike in south west London suspended after new pay offerThe bus strike in south west London has been called off after a new pay offer was made.
Full list of London Overground strike dates in February and MarchMembers of the RMT union on the London Overground will be taking strike action in February and March.The strike is in response to a below-inflation pay offer from the operator, Arriva Rail London.
London Overground strike called offThe strike on the London Overground has been cancelled after the union received an improved pay offer.Members of the union will now vote on whether to accept the offer. If they reject it, a planned rail strike in March may still go ahead.
Full list of London Overground strike dates in February and MarchMembers of the RMT union on the London Overground will be taking strike action in February and March.The strike is in response to a below-inflation pay offer from the operator, Arriva Rail London.
London Overground strike called offThe strike on the London Overground has been cancelled after the union received an improved pay offer.Members of the union will now vote on whether to accept the offer. If they reject it, a planned rail strike in March may still go ahead.