Evening Tally: Fine Gael silence on Patsy O'Brien expulsion simply not good enough ahead of his election bidThe case of expelled councillor Patsy O'Brien raises questions about transparency in political parties.
Fine Gael confirms it expelled Cllr Patsy O'Brien after finding he sent pornographic material to female Oireachtas staff memberFine Gael expelled Councillor O'Brien for sending unsolicited pornography, breaching the party's code of conduct.
Evening Tally: Fine Gael silence on Patsy O'Brien expulsion simply not good enough ahead of his election bidThe case of expelled councillor Patsy O'Brien raises questions about transparency in political parties.
Fine Gael confirms it expelled Cllr Patsy O'Brien after finding he sent pornographic material to female Oireachtas staff memberFine Gael expelled Councillor O'Brien for sending unsolicited pornography, breaching the party's code of conduct.