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5 months ago
New York City

Oscar Pistorius, Olympic Athlete Convicted of Murder, Is Set for Release

Oscar Pistorius is expected to be released on parole after serving seven years in prison for killing his girlfriend.
He will be under parole supervision until 2029 and must adhere to various conditions, including attending rehabilitation programs and avoiding alcohol and banned substances. [ more ]
Washington Post
6 months ago
US news

Before prison release, Gypsy Blanchard says she regrets her mother's killing

Gypsy Blanchard, who gained notoriety for her involvement in her mother's murder, is set to be released on parole after serving the majority of her 10-year sentence.
Blanchard expressed regret for her actions and stated that she believes her mother did not deserve to be killed. [ more ]
6 months ago
US news

Gypsy Rose Blanchard set to be paroled years after persuading boyfriend to kill her abusive mother

Gypsy Rose Blanchard, who was forced by her mother to pretend she was suffering from multiple serious illnesses, is set to be paroled
Gypsy Blanchard's mother had Munchausen syndrome by proxy, a psychological disorder where parents or caregivers seek sympathy through fabricated illnesses of their children. [ more ]
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