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3 months ago
Europe news

Paris 2015 attacker transferred from Belgium to France

Salah Abdeslam, the last surviving member of the Islamic State cell responsible for the 2015 Paris attacks, has been moved from custody in Belgium back to France.
Abdeslam had previously been convicted in Belgium for planning subsequent attacks in Brussels and his transfer back to France to serve his French prison sentence was initially blocked on human rights grounds. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Paris 2015 attacker Salah Abdeslam transferred from Belgium to France

Salah Abdeslam, the only surviving member of the ISIS cell behind the 2015 Paris attacks, has been transferred from Belgium to France to continue serving his prison sentence.
Abdeslam's transfer had been blocked by an appeals court on human rights grounds, but has now been approved. His lawyers argue that he should serve his sentence in Belgium instead. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Belgium returns surviving 2015 Paris attacker to France DW 02/07/2024

French jihadi Salah Abdeslam, sentenced to life in prison for the 2015 Paris attacks, has been transferred from Belgium back to France.
Abdeslam had fled to Brussels after the attacks and was arrested in 2016, convicted of terrorism and murder in 2022, and spent most of his time in custody in France. [ more ]
6 months ago
France politics

Deadly Paris Knife Attack Revives Terrorism Concerns

A German tourist was killed in a knife and hammer attack in central Paris.
The suspect has serious psychiatric disorders and expressed anger over the death of Muslims worldwide. [ more ]
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