#pandemic response

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1 month ago

TIME100 Health Honorees Toast to Survival, Solutions, and Health Workers in Conflict Zones

The TIME100 Health list highlights influential figures in health leading impactful changes, discussing issues from neglected tropical diseases like noma to pioneering research in COVID treatments. [ more ]
Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
1 month ago

Averting Disaster through Preparation: A Conversation with Rebecca Katz and Mackenzie S. Moore - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

The importance of ongoing discussions on outbreak preparedness and response post-COVID-19. [ more ]
eLearning Industry
1 month ago

Resources And Strategies To Help Struggling Students Become Better eLearners

eLearning is crucial beyond pandemics, requiring equitable access to resources for students to thrive online. [ more ]
The Atlantic
1 month ago

America's Response to Bird Flu Is 'Out of Whack'

The United States' response to infectious diseases has worsened despite having knowledge and resources for preparedness. [ more ]
The Nation
2 months ago

The Covid Revisionists Are Endangering Us All

Covid revisionism narratives in the US present conflicting views on pandemic response, with potential negative implications for the future. [ more ]
2 months ago

Why It's Important to Meet People Where They Are' When Improving U.S. Healthcare

Meeting people where they are can improve healthcare accessibility and outcomes. [ more ]
1 month ago

TIME100 Health Honorees Toast to Survival, Solutions, and Health Workers in Conflict Zones

The TIME100 Health list highlights influential figures in health leading impactful changes, discussing issues from neglected tropical diseases like noma to pioneering research in COVID treatments. [ more ]
Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
1 month ago

Averting Disaster through Preparation: A Conversation with Rebecca Katz and Mackenzie S. Moore - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

The importance of ongoing discussions on outbreak preparedness and response post-COVID-19. [ more ]
eLearning Industry
1 month ago

Resources And Strategies To Help Struggling Students Become Better eLearners

eLearning is crucial beyond pandemics, requiring equitable access to resources for students to thrive online. [ more ]
The Atlantic
1 month ago

America's Response to Bird Flu Is 'Out of Whack'

The United States' response to infectious diseases has worsened despite having knowledge and resources for preparedness. [ more ]
The Nation
2 months ago

The Covid Revisionists Are Endangering Us All

Covid revisionism narratives in the US present conflicting views on pandemic response, with potential negative implications for the future. [ more ]
2 months ago

Why It's Important to Meet People Where They Are' When Improving U.S. Healthcare

Meeting people where they are can improve healthcare accessibility and outcomes. [ more ]
#Boris Johnson
6 months ago

Disgusting orgy of narcissism ': Full damning statement from bereaved covid families

Bereaved families accuse Boris Johnson of distorting the truth by claiming his government saved thousands of lives during the pandemic.
Protesters interrupt Johnson's apology during the UK's covid inquiry, accusing him of presiding over a narcissistic response to the crisis. [ more ]
Washington Post
6 months ago
Europe politics

Boris Johnson admits 'mistakes' to covid inquiry but defends record

Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson defended his response to the pandemic in testimony before an independent inquiry.
Johnson acknowledged mistakes were made but argued that his government gave careful consideration to the evidence available at the time. [ more ]
6 months ago
UK news

Ten times Boris Johnson was cornered by Hugo Keith at the Covid inquiry

Former British prime minister Boris Johnson faced tough questioning during his appearance before the Covid inquiry.
Protesters interrupted the hearing, demanding more accountability for the government's pandemic response. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
6 months ago

Boris admits they 'underestimated' the threat of Covid and ministers should have 'twigged sooner'

Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson admits to shaking hands with a Covid patient and not being precautionary enough during the pandemic.
Johnson acknowledges that the government 'underestimated' the threat of Covid in the early days and apologizes to the victims. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

Boris Johnson to Face Tough Questions at Covid Inquiry

Boris Johnson will testify before an inquiry into his government's handling of the pandemic, facing questions about lockdown timing and social gatherings that violated rules.
Johnson is expected to admit mistakes while highlighting successes like the vaccine rollout and reopening the economy. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

Covid inquiry: What time is Boris Johnson giving evidence and how to watch

Boris Johnson is set to be questioned about the UK's late lockdown and his leadership style in a pandemic response inquiry.
Johnson was unable to supply the inquiry with his WhatsApp messages from the first lockdown due to security concerns. [ more ]
6 months ago

Disgusting orgy of narcissism ': Full damning statement from bereaved covid families

Bereaved families accuse Boris Johnson of distorting the truth by claiming his government saved thousands of lives during the pandemic.
Protesters interrupt Johnson's apology during the UK's covid inquiry, accusing him of presiding over a narcissistic response to the crisis. [ more ]
Washington Post
6 months ago
Europe politics

Boris Johnson admits 'mistakes' to covid inquiry but defends record

Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson defended his response to the pandemic in testimony before an independent inquiry.
Johnson acknowledged mistakes were made but argued that his government gave careful consideration to the evidence available at the time. [ more ]
6 months ago
UK news

Ten times Boris Johnson was cornered by Hugo Keith at the Covid inquiry

Former British prime minister Boris Johnson faced tough questioning during his appearance before the Covid inquiry.
Protesters interrupted the hearing, demanding more accountability for the government's pandemic response. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
6 months ago

Boris admits they 'underestimated' the threat of Covid and ministers should have 'twigged sooner'

Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson admits to shaking hands with a Covid patient and not being precautionary enough during the pandemic.
Johnson acknowledges that the government 'underestimated' the threat of Covid in the early days and apologizes to the victims. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

Boris Johnson to Face Tough Questions at Covid Inquiry

Boris Johnson will testify before an inquiry into his government's handling of the pandemic, facing questions about lockdown timing and social gatherings that violated rules.
Johnson is expected to admit mistakes while highlighting successes like the vaccine rollout and reopening the economy. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

Covid inquiry: What time is Boris Johnson giving evidence and how to watch

Boris Johnson is set to be questioned about the UK's late lockdown and his leadership style in a pandemic response inquiry.
Johnson was unable to supply the inquiry with his WhatsApp messages from the first lockdown due to security concerns. [ more ]
moreBoris Johnson
6 months ago
Europe politics

Boris Johnson covid inquiry: Former PM to be grilled over pandemic response today

Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is set to give evidence at the Covid-19 inquiry about his government's handling of the pandemic.
Johnson is expected to admit that his government made mistakes but also made decisions that saved lives. [ more ]
New York Post
6 months ago

Fauci to testify twice before House COVID panel about pandemic response

Dr. Fauci will testify twice before a House select subcommittee next year, addressing various controversies and investigations related to the pandemic response.
Fauci will answer questions for seven hours per day accompanied by personal attorneys and government counsel.
The House COVID subcommittee released emails showing Fauci's involvement in a research paper meant to disprove the lab leak theory of COVID-19 origin. [ more ]
7 months ago
UK news

Under-fire Matt Hancock to give evidence before Covid inquiry

Matt Hancock expected to defend his performance as health secretary during the pandemic before the UK Covid-19 Inquiry.
Witnesses have criticized Hancock's approach and called for his removal, including the former senior civil servant Lord Sedwill and former top Number 10 adviser Dominic Cummings.
Andy Burnham accused Hancock of imposing ineffective Tier 3 restrictions on Greater Manchester and administering a punishment beating for the city. [ more ]
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