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2 months ago
Black Lives Matter

The war will end': Remembering Mahmoud Darwish, Palestine's poetic voice

Mahmoud Darwish's poetry remains relevant to Palestinian plight in Gaza.
Darwish's words express the pain of Palestinians and their struggle against occupation. [ more ]
3 months ago

The Palestinian Struggle Is Intergenerational - and Youth Are Carrying the Torch

Youth activists are mobilizing in the US to call for a ceasefire in Gaza.
Palestinian youth have been crucial in correcting a distorted media narrative about the conflict. [ more ]
New York Post
5 months ago
Social justice

Black Americans' growing solidarity with plight of Palestinians in Gaza

Black American activists are increasingly connecting the struggle for racial equality and civil rights in the US to the Palestinian struggle in the West Bank and Gaza.
The alliance between Black and Jewish activists is sometimes strained due to differing views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. [ more ]
5 months ago

Oakland Unified pushes back against unsanctioned teach-in' on Palestine

The Oakland Unified School District is against an unsanctioned teach-in focused on the Palestinian struggle for liberation.
The district's superintendent is disappointed with the materials being distributed and sees them as harmful and divisive. [ more ]
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