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2 months ago
Video games

How Fallout TV Show Is Like Batman Movies, According To Jonathan Nolan

The Fallout TV series will feature an original story within the Fallout universe, similar to the approach taken with the Batman films.
Jonathan Nolan emphasizes the freedom to create within the established Fallout canon, drawing parallels to his work on the Batman series. [ more ]
3 months ago
Video games

Jonathan Nolan Compares Making Fallout To Making Batman

The Fallout TV show will feature an original story within the Fallout world.
The producers have taken inspiration from the Batman franchise in approaching storytelling for the Fallout series. [ more ]
2 months ago
Video games

How Fallout TV Show Is Like Batman Movies, According To Jonathan Nolan

The Fallout TV series will feature an original story within the Fallout universe, similar to the approach taken with the Batman films.
Jonathan Nolan emphasizes the freedom to create within the established Fallout canon, drawing parallels to his work on the Batman series. [ more ]
3 months ago
Video games

Jonathan Nolan Compares Making Fallout To Making Batman

The Fallout TV show will feature an original story within the Fallout world.
The producers have taken inspiration from the Batman franchise in approaching storytelling for the Fallout series. [ more ]
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