The 13 most anticipated horror movies of 20252025 is anticipated to continue the trend of successful horror films, featuring both sequels and original stories.
If you thought 2024 was a lot of Hollywood sequels, wait until you get a load of 20252025 is projected to see an increased number of film sequels, following a record of 26 sequels in 2024.
'Inside Out 2' Review: All Brains and No Heart, This Disappointing Sequel Proves Pixar Learned All the Wrong Lessons from Its Pandemic YearsPixar is shifting from personal, original stories to high-concept sequels to regain mass appeal.
If you thought 2024 was a lot of Hollywood sequels, wait until you get a load of 20252025 is projected to see an increased number of film sequels, following a record of 26 sequels in 2024.
'Inside Out 2' Review: All Brains and No Heart, This Disappointing Sequel Proves Pixar Learned All the Wrong Lessons from Its Pandemic YearsPixar is shifting from personal, original stories to high-concept sequels to regain mass appeal.